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Digital advertising is the tactic of leveraging the internet and its properties to deliver promotional ads to consumers on various channels.

Unlike traditional advertising, digital advertising is more universal and flexible, enabling you to tell your brand story on the channels that your buyers frequent— through text, images, video, and more.


Digital marketing ads are everywhere. They can be seen on the websites your buyer visits, on mobile phones, on social media channels, and on smartwatches. Because advertising proliferates across so many channels, including very personal channels, you need to be more cognizant than ever before about providing useful, engaging content.

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digital marketing


Digital advertising creates powerful opportunities to tell brand stories at scale and in context. Through ads on various devices and channels, marketers can reach larger audiences in a way that is real-time and increasingly personal.

When creating your digital ad strategy, we must consider your audience—who are we creating your ads for? Your identified audience dictates every aspect of your ads. Most businesses have many audiences and will therefore need to develop personas in order to create effective ads that resonate with each audience. A persona is a detailed description of an audience, highlighting their behaviors, goals, skills, and attitudes. Persona creation is an important baseline for all marketing efforts, especially with today’s digital buyers.


As you start preparing to run ads, you need to be clear about your budget and then decide which ads and channels support your strategy. Your budget determines the spending limits for your digital advertising and individual campaigns. Your budget should represent the amount that you are comfortable spending each day or month (based on how the advertising platform charges you.) You may choose to allocate funds differently across channels, depending on which advertising channels you select.


Related Media Group

7900 Oak Lane Ste. 400

Miami Lakes, FL 33016

Phone: 786-519-1010



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Elegua yo te llamo, Dueño y guardián de todos los caminos, Pido que me des la oportunidad y la buena fortuna en mi vida, para eliminar los obstáculos que me impiden avanzar

iIuminame el camino correcto.¡Eleguá! Yo te pido por las fuerzas de la naturaleza, Que me ayudes a avanzar en mi vida económica,Que no necesito abundancia solo estabilidad,

ruego tu ayuda. Yo con humildad y fe te pido tu ayuda, Que en mi hogar nunca falte de nada, Que esta petición sea escuchadas Que mis caminos lleven al éxito. Amén

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